

Pro Kimitoö-Skutan r.f. is a voluntary (non-profit) association that owns and manages Yacht Eugenia.

The association was founded in 1997 and has, according to its rules, an executive committee with a chairperson and six (6) other regular members as well as three (3) deputy members, all of which are elected at the autumn meeting.
The executive committee has 2 to 3 committee meetings during the year. There are also general spring and autumn meetings for all the members.
The executive committee leads the operations of Yacht Eugenia with about thirty active members working in administration, as crew and in maintenance.

The members of the association support the operations with their membership and thus help finance the actual activities.
Members get a discount on their own booked sailings and receive regular information about the association, as well as have the possibility to participate in the spring and autumn meetings. The members can take part in the activities also by notifying the executive committee of their interest.

Membership fee: 20 € / year / actual member and 10 € / year / family member

Donations are accepted with gratitude.