Contact us


Contact information for Yacht Eugenia

Pro Kimitoö-Skutan r.f.
Telephone: +358 440 427862
Adress: PB19, 25701 Kimito
Business ID: 1103202-4


Bookings and inquiries about charter sailings

Telephone: +358 440 427862

Bookings and inquiries about public sailings and charters

Also trough Finlands Skärgårdsbokning.

Telephone: +358 40 542 7831

Finlands Skärgårdsboknings kontaktformulär

Our collaborators and resellers

Our collaborators who also offer sailings with Yacht Eugenia:

Suomen Saaristovaraus Oy:n

Turun Saaristomatakat Oy

J&M Launokorpi Oy

Ab Kasnäsudden Oy

Välimatkat oy

JS-Travel Oy

Our supporting partners are:

Pro Kimitoö-Skutan assoc. was approved as a biosphere partner in early 2024 and the agreement continues until 2028.

Our role within the biosphere reserve is:

❖ Sail with tourists in the archipelago to show the diversity of the Archipelago Sea and thereby convey the message of the biosphere reserve.
❖ To take into account the objectives of the biosphere reserve in all our own activities.
❖ Educate children, youth and young adults in the knowledge of folk sailing and thus convey cultural heritage in the future.

The municipality of Kimitoön (formerly the merged municipalities of Kimito, Dragsfjärd and Västanfjärd) played an important role in the construction of the new Jakten Eugenia and in supporting the activities of the association.

Today, cooperation with the municipality is an important part of the yacht Eugenia’s operations, where the municipality provides a port for the ship and collaborates in the marketing of Eugenia.
The yacht Eugenia with crew functions in the education and training of the marine line students at Kimitoön High School.